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7 Things I've Learned Having Gone Through

Separation & Divorce

"Breakups can be tough on everyone, the couple, offspring if any, extended family, close friends, and others within the circle of care and influence. While some may view it as just another hurdle of life, those going through it are dealing with the mental scars it can inflict and the paradox that the journey can be both liberating and confining. All this is enough to make anyone want to give up, I know, I’ve been there. Can purpose truly exist in the riptide of pain? I believe it can. Join me as I share what I’ve learned, hoping that it may encourage you in your season of self-discovery and healing. And if you’re reading this to support a loved one journeying through a breakup, know that your love, encouragement, support and presence are a treasure to them." - Ceejay Horrell

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What Others Are Saying!

“Bruised to the point of seeming hopelessness, Ceejay navigated his way toward healing. Authentically and vulnerably, he candidly shares the lessons he learned from his path of, and experiences through, unimaginable pain. He shares non-accusatory perspectives of his journey through hurt, to restoration, and to hope.” - Dr. Dionne Felix

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